Join Our Organization, to Honor the Greatest Generation!

The American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) is a national organization founded in 1998 by the real “Rosies” of WWII for fellowship and to preserve their legacy. There are over 7,000 members nationwide, and over 500 members in Michigan, with ARRA Chapters in almost every state. We are a non-profit, all-volunteer organization.

You can join the American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) at ARRA’s national website: Click here to visit the National ARRA website and to join. Once you join at the National level, if you are located in Michigan, we will then reach out to you regarding membership in our Chapter!

Membership in ARRA is open to WWII Rosies and their descendants (Rosebuds and Rivets), women who work in formerly male jobs (21st Century Rosies), and anyone who simply loves “Rosie” as much as we do (Rosie Friends)!

If you need assistance or have questions about joining, you can contact us at the Michigan Willow Run Chapter by clicking here. We are happy to answer your questions about membership and to assist you in joining the ARRA!

The American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) is actively seeking women who worked on the home front to support the war effort, including: women who worked in war production, filled any job vacated by a man who joined the service, or volunteered on the Home Front in any capacity. We consider all of these women to be “Rosie the Riveters.”

These patriotic women were members of the Greatest Generation. They were riveters, welders, electricians, inspectors in plants, ordnance workers, sewed clothing and parachutes for the military, drove buses and taxis, did critical clerical work, and farmed. Other “Rosies” worked as volunteers collecting scrap, planting Victory Gardens, entertaining troops with the USO, and serving our troops through the Red Cross. Rosies did so many critical jobs during WWII there wouldn’t be room to list them all here!

The national American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) seeks to acknowledge these women for their work during WWII. ARRA has accomplished much toward this goal including a successful campaign to have March 21 declared National Rosie the Riveter Day and successfully lobbying the United States House of Representatives to award the WWII Rosies a Congressional Gold Medal. The ARRA also has organized Rosie the Riveter Honor Flights to Washington, D.C.

Our Willow Run Chapter of ARRA holds regular social gatherings for the WWII Rosies, their family members, and their friends the WWII Veterans. We organize and produce our own very special events to engage communities with their Rosie the Riveter legacy. We also partner with other organizations to bring our WWII Rosies & Vets to special events where they can be honored. And finally, we offer dynamic Rosie the Riveter speaker presentations to educate the public about Rosie and the Greatest Generation of WWII.

We are not a costume troupe, and we are not affiliated with any local museum or airport. At the American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) we go beyond the costume to deeply educate about Rosie the Riveter and preserve Rosie’s legacy. The real Rosies of WWII, living and passed, are the face and focus of everything we do.

The national American Rosie the Riveter Association (ARRA) holds an Annual Convention every June, and many members of our Chapter attend. Locations vary from year to year. Convention details are posted on the National ARRA website,

The American Rosie the Riveter Association is a patriotic, non-profit organization whose purpose is to recognize the women workers of WWII and preserve their legacy.